
Shangri-Lala ← PREVIOUS SHOW SHANGRI-LALA is a side-show set-up investigating philosophies around Utopianism, researched and co-created via local community workshops. Utopia by Jocelyn Pook...

Dr YaYa

← PREVIOUS SHOW NEXT SHOW → He is volatile but kindFulminating and yet sexyWe surrender in our mindsAnd our bodies follow close behind   Dr YaYa is a mashup of all flamboyant dictators with a heavy lean to the left – he’s a paranoid clown, with a...

The Pilmgrimage

The Pilgrimage ← PREVIOUS SHOW NEXT SHOW → An immersive, site specific, digitally reinforced, interactive, experiential walking tour premiered in Great Yarmouth Out There Festival 2018 and available for touring now. 1. Son of Man 2. Mona Lisa 3. The Thinker...

Willy & Wally

Willy & Wally ← PREVIOUS SHOW NEXT SHOW → Willy & Wally are up to their necks in mountains of plastic but they carry on clowning regardless. As well as talking a load of rubbish, they perform a multi-dimensional melange of vaudeville, slapstick,...

Hitler & Eva